Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Bernard Pivot Blogfest

First of all I want to give a shout out to all of my new follows! Hello and Welcome! I am so glad you have come along and chose to join me on this journey!  Now to business.....

Well it’s time for another blogfest! and i know I'm a little early but i wanted to make sure I got it posted beacuse I am not 100% sure I will have time tomorrow. This time it is from Nichole over at One Significant Moment in Time. I could not pass this up; I used to be obsessed with Inside the Actors Studio and used to think about this quiz all the time, so when I saw it up as a blogfest I had to jump at the chance! And here it is! And don’t forget to look at everyone else’s answers here!

What is your favorite word?
This is a hard one! I have like a new word every week!sofor right now I'll say: Myriad

What is your least favorite word?
Douche, I just hate that word.

What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally?
So many things! But to only pick one, I would have to say: Friends, deep connections. Gathering with friends to eat, drink, talk. Nothing turns me on more than being able to have people in my life that can communicate with on the deepest level.

What turns you off?
Intolerance, especially people who say they are open minded but are not

What is your favorite curse word?
Fuck, or really any variation of it. I’m easy like that.

What sound or noise do you love?
Fire, the crackle of the wood burning, the sizzle of the still wet bits, the pops. Glorious.

What sound or noise do you hate?
The same complaint over and over again by the same person. Complaining a few times is ok, but once it is obvious that it is habit and you are doing nothing to improve the situation you are complaining about I cannot stand it anymore and I want to scream.

What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
Well assuming that I finish school and join the career path of my choice(that is owning my own hair salon) I would have to say some sort of museum curator or specialist in Greek history or the Tudor Dynasty.

What profession would you not like to do?
Anything on Dirty Jobs, but especially anything that had to do with the sewage system.

If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
Welcome, I know we have a lot to talk about, but we have time now.

Also, be sure to check out the Now Staring...Blogfest I'm hosting with my platonic-life-mate, Lindz. There are a couple of fun prizes, and it should be a lot of fun!


  1. Aww! You turn me on too! And by the way, if there's a museum solely dedicated to the Tudor Dynasty we should go. Right now!... Would that be the Tower of London?

  2. Yeah, I think the Tower of London museum would be our best bet.

  3. Revealing answers. I wanted to say "Fuck" also but as I state in mine, my mother and kids read my blog so I cleaned mine up some. So I can say it here.

    Tossing It Out

  4. Love these answers! I'm a fellow crusader and doing the blogfest. Your description of a fire makes me wish I was sitting in front of one ALL day today.

  5. Fire! Of course. I could sit and listen to a fire all day. Especially a big camp fire.

    I also think your favorite and least favorite words are great. I think I've got a mental block against "douche" myself (which explains why I had to retype it 4 times to get it right).

    Good luck with the hair salon! That sounds awesome :)

  6. Great answers! 'Douche' is a horrid word, right? And I lived in France for five years, so every time I said I had to go take a shower (Je vais prendre une douche.) I cringed. LOL. And fire popping in a fireplace on a cold night, or outdoors in a camp fire or bonfire, is definitely one of my favorite sounds, too!

    Thanks for playing along!

  7. Fire, the crackle of the wood burning, the sizzle of the still wet bits, the pops. Glorious <-- EXCELLENT!

    great list

  8. your favorite sound- fire really reminded me of my favorite smell- a campfire...I can't wait for summer time!

  9. We have some of the very same answers (the job we wouldn't want was almost verbatim).
    But, I actually like the word douche as an insult-ish noun or adjective: "He's a douche" "That was a douchey thing to do"

    Nice to 'meet' you!


  10. I'm a new follower. I would also not like a sewagey nasty job. Thankfully, someone else does it.

  11. I love your answers. Some of them were so cozy. Thx for paying me a visit!


  12. Friends, conversation and fire: these are some great answers :)

  13. Great answers. Douche is gross. I didn't know how many words I hated until I read all these posts. LOL

  14. New follower here. I really like your answers and I love the sound of fire crackling as well. If you're interested, you can see my responses at: http://writinginwonderland.blogspot.com/

  15. Liked your answer for number 10. Never thought about the sound of a fire as something pleasant, but yes, I hear ya!

  16. Ha! Myriad was my least favorite word. Great list!


  17. Fire, the crackle of the wood burning, the sizzle of the still wet bits, the pops. Glorious

    I'm going camping tomorrow night and you just made me look forward to it even more! :)

  18. So great see fellow crusaders on the same blogfest. I joined up both of them also. So, hello!

  19. Wow, I love the look of your blog, so mysterious! Mine used to be dark red and black, but I've stuck with what I have now. Maybe I'll give it a new look?

    Great to meet you, fellow crusader!

    ♥.•*¨ Elizabeth ¨*•.♥

  20. Hi fellow crusader!

    Yes, I love the sound of fire crackling! Makes me think of summer. :)

  21. Hi, Alexis,

    Hopping over from the crusade list to introduce myself and follow.

    The first challenge is up!


  22. Hi,

    I saw your blog on Rach Writes and part of the Crusade. I'm just making my rounds, and I'm your newest follower. My blog is www.idevourkidbooks.blogspot.com

    Lois Brown

  23. Hiya, buddy crusader! I'm making the rounds today and checking out your blog. Nice to meet you, and Happy Friday! :)

    Artzicarol Ramblings

  24. making crusader rounds. Nice to meet you, now following!


  25. Hi. I'm a visiting crusader. I like the word myriad too!

  26. What a great answer. A fire does make wonderful sounds.
    Thanks for sharing your answers.
